- Traben - Trarbach
It was not until 1875 that the Catholics in Traben-Trarbach received their first own parish church.
It was not until 1875 that the Catholics in Traben-Trarbach received their first own parish church. The neo-Gothic sacred building was extended in 1968 by a new building stretching across the Kautenbach.
On the map
56841 Traben - Trarbach
Phone: +49 6541 6487
E-mail: pfarramt.trtr@pfgmm.de
Website: www.pfarreiengemeinschaft-mittlere-mosel.de/ueber-uns/pfarreiengemeinsch
General information
The opening hours can be found in the Eifel-Mosel-Husnrück-Aktuell.
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