- Traben-Trarbach
We are happy to assist you with booking and holiday planning with the selection of your accommodation and search for the right services and offers
We are happy to assist you with booking and holiday planning with the selection of your accommodation and search for the right services and offers. We inform you about:
- Worth knowing from A to Z
- Services and prices of our hosts
- Transport connections by car, bus, train and plane
- Sports and leisure facilities
- Excursion destinations
- Food, drink and Moselle wine
- Festivals and events
- Spa and health
- Culture and shopping and much more
We organise for you:
- Trips and excursions
- Guided tours of the town and historical tours
- Tickets for excursions, boat trips and events
On the map
Am Bahnhof 5
56841 Traben-Trarbach
Phone: +49 6541 83980
E-mail: info@traben-trarbach.de
Website: www.traben-trarbach.de
General information