- Koblenz
An exciting place that awakens the desire to play, experience and discover. Children approach the topic of water in a playful way! The play stations are integrated into a carpet of water and flow around the stations with weirs, seating stones and floating ropes.
The design consists of different play stations:
The lookout - climbing, dangling, water jets triggered by buzzers.
The sources - topography, source points, flow patterns, climbing
The Labyrinth - introverted, inland space, layer topography, guiding, damming, climbing, balancing, sitting, source points, weirs, flaps, water wheel
The lake - calm water surface, water drain
The Spring Sources - Interactive Jets, Controllable Source Points
The wave - object, current, sliding, letting swim, balancing, marbles
The Finale - Sunken, Disappearing, Draining, Cascade, Gliding, Current
The playground was built in 2011 for the Bundesgartenschau Koblenz as part of the greening of the German Corner.
On the map
56068 Koblenz
Phone: (0049) 0261 1294290
Fax: (0049) 0261 1294200
E-mail: koga@stadt.koblenz.de
Website: www.koblenzer-gartenkultur.de