Highway Mosel Kondelwald
- start: Moselparkplatz Kinheim
- destination: Moselparkplatz Kinheim
- difficult
- 46,28 km
- 6 hours 3 minutes
- 1062 m
- 469 m
- 93 m
- 100 / 100
- 80 / 100
Erleben sie in der Rundtour die Vielfalt von Mosel und Eifellandschaft von Kinheim durch den Kondelwald zurück ins Mosel und Alftal mit herrlichen Ausblicken
Bei dieser Tour geht es zum höchten Punkt des Kondelwalds, dem Reudelheck. Mit vielen naturbelassenen Wegen ist der Kondelwald ein ideales Gebiet für Mountainbiker.
General information
From Kinheim, the tour starts immediately with a crisp climb through vineyards and forests to the K62. Turn right onto the K62 and take the next path left into the forest. Follow the forest paths for a while until you reach the K135 and follow it on a rapid descent to Bengel (be careful, the road surface here is not particularly good in places). From Bengel you continue to the Springiersbach monastery and from there you reach the highest point of the tour, the Reudelheck, on forest paths again. Then you cross the K35 and follow the farm track, which later becomes a forest track. On the forest path, the trail runs in serpentines down into the valley to the L103, which shortly afterwards crosses the B49. Turn left and then take the first right into Wittlicher Straße. Then take the first left again and stay on this path until you reach the village of Alf. In the village keep on the road Auf Tannerd. After a while, the road becomes a forest path and leads directly to the Driesch Hut. After the Driesch hut, turn right into the forest and follow the path to Reiler Hals (junction L105). From there, follow the K63 until a forest path branches off in a serpentine bend. Follow the path until it meets the K63 again. Follow and at the next opportunity turn onto the K62 towards Wittlich. Immediately afterwards, turn off in the direction of the sports field/campsite and enjoy the last descent into the Kröver vineyards. From there, vineyard paths lead back to Kinheim.
je nach Witterung Regenkleidung, ausreichend Wasser. Nur mit Helm fahren!
Auf dieser Strecke gibt einige tolle Aussichtspunkte, bei denen sich ein Stop lohnt!
Getting there
B 53 Moseltal bis Kinheim
kostenfrei auf dem Moselvorgelände in Kinheim
Public transit
mit dem Bus jede Stunde von Traben-Trarbach oder Bernkastel aus kommend bis nach Kinheim, Fahrplan unter www.vrt-info.de
- Unknown (1%)
- Street (25%)
- Path (2%)
- Hiking Trail (58%)
- Asphalt Coating (11%)
- Crushed Rock (3%)

This tour is presented by: Moselregion Traben-Trarbach Kröv, Author: Walter Klink