© Ferienland Bernkastel-Kues

Piesporter Moselbogen, Light spot on the Moselle

  • start: Community centre in Piesport
  • destination: Community centre in Piesport
  • easy
  • 7,98 km
  • 2 hours 15 minutes
  • 105 m
  • 205 m
  • 114 m
  • 40 / 100
  • 10 / 100

The circular walk runs through the vineyard landscape of Piesport, where a rich flora and fauna has developed on the steep slopes surrounded by rocks and walls.

Like a huge amphitheatre, the Piesport Moselle arch opens to the south and already impressed the Roman scholar Ausonius. In the interplay between the natural diversity of the sites and a winegrowing culture that has lasted for thousands of years, many hundreds of plant and animal species have found a habitat here, some of which are considered rare and endangered. Thus the Moselle meander, like no other, creates a "record-breaking suspect" link between man and nature. A shining example of an intact wine culture landscape. Within the framework of the "Living Moselle Vineyards Initiative", this area has been awarded the title of "Lighthouse of Biodiversity" in 2018.Insights into the hiking tour:This hike leads along vineyard and farm paths through the famous "Piesporter Goltröpfchen" vineyard and offers not only wonderful views but also a special flora and cultural sights along the banks of the Moselle.

General information


From the community centre on the Ausonius bank in Piesport you walk past the parish church of St. Michael, along the banks of the Moselle to the bridgehead of the former Müsterter Bridge. Here the path leads you into the vineyards and soon onto an unpaved farm track. This path crosses the asphalt L 50, which winds its way up the Piesporter Berg in serpentines. Continue parallel to the slope through the vineyard landscape - always with a view of Piesport and the Moselle. Finally the vineyard path ends. A path takes you to the farm track below and you follow this path for a few metres. You then descend to the banks of the Moselle via an old vineyard staircase. The way back is on the cycle path or driveway via the district of Ferres. The approximately 7-kilometre-long hike runs in an arc through the famous "Piesporter Goldtröpfchen" vineyard and along the banks of the Moselle. On the wayside in the vineyards you will meet a unique flora, which has developed here. Among them are many early blossoming plants like the vineyard hyacinth, the gold varnish and hawthorn. Especially drought-resistant plants such as the writing fern, stonecrop and vineyard garlic grow here. On the Moselle bank, on the other hand, there are cultural sights to visit, the rococo parish church of St. Michael, the chapel in Ferres with the representation of "Christ in the wine press" and the Roman wine press. While you walk through the vineyards mainly on an unpaved farm track, on the banks of the Moselle you walk mostly on asphalt.

Safety Guidelines

The way back is on the Moselle cycle path: watch out for cyclists.


Hiking or trekking shoes recommended, rucksack food if necessary.


Backpacking in Piesport and taking a short break in the vineyards: the view of the rocky "Moselloreley" is worth a break!

Getting there

The approach is via the B 53 (Moselle wine route) to Piesport.


Car park at the community centre, Ausoniusufer Piesport

Public transit


Bernkastel-Kues: Taxi Edringer: (0049) 6531 - 8149, Taxi Priwitzer: (0049) 6531 - 96970, Taxi Reitz: (0049) 6531 - 6455

Piesport: Taxi Reitz (0049) 6507 - 2402


Wanderguide - the hiking guide in the Bernkastel-Kues holiday region. With description and map.


WanderGuide - the hiking guide in the Bernkastel-Kues holiday region. With description and map.

Additional Information

Ferienland Bernkastel-Kues

Gestade 6

54470 Bernkastel-Kues

Phone: (0049) 6531/50019-0



Tourist information Piesport

Heinrich-Schmitt-Platz 1

54498 Piesport

Phone: (0049) 6507/2027



  • Asphalt Coating (17%)
  • Street (1%)
  • Hiking Trail (35%)
  • Crushed Rock (45%)
  • Path (1%)
  • Unknown (1%)


This tour is presented by: Ferienland Bernkastel-Kues, Author: Lisa Willems

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