2.1 With the booking the guest offers, if necessary following previous non-binding information from the host about his accommodation and their availability, the host the conclusion of a binding guest accommodation contract. The basis of this offer is the description of the accommodation and the supplementary information stated in the booking basis (e.g. location description, classification explanations), as far as these are available to the guest at the time of booking.
2.2 The booking by the guest can be made via all booking channels offered by the host, i.e. verbally, in writing, by telephone, Fax or email.
2.3 The contract comes into existence with the receipt of the declaration of acceptance (booking confirmation) provided by the host or Mosellandtouristik as its representative. This confirmation is not bound to any form, meaning that confirmations made verbally or by telephone are also legally binding for the guest and the host.
2.4 In line with legal requirements, guests are advised that, in accordance with legal provisions (Section 312g (2) Sentence 1 No. 9 BGB), the right for revocation does not exist for guest accommodation contracts concluded as distance contracts (letters, catalogues, telephone calls, emails, messages sent via mobile phone services (text messages) or similar) or off business premises. Only the legal regulations regarding the non-use of rental services (Section 537, BGB) apply (see also point 6 of these Guest Accommodation Terms & Conditions).
2.5 In case of verbal or telephone bookings the host will usually provide the guest with a written copy of the booking confirmation. However, the legal effectiveness of the guest accommodation contract for such booking does not depend on the written copy of a booking confirmation.
2.6 If the host or Mosellandtouristik as its broker offers the option of a binding booking and brokerage of the accommodation by means of an electronic conclusion of a contract via an internet platform, the following applies for this type of contract conclusion:
a) The online booking process is explained to the customer by means of relevant notes. The contractual language is exclusively the German language.
b) The customer can correct or delete or reset the entire online booking form by means of a correction option which is explained in the course of the booking process.
c) After the customer has concluded the selection of the desired accommodation services and has entered his personal data, all the date including all the essential information about prices, services, booked additional services and any booked travel insurance are displayed. The customer has the option of discarding the entire booking or rebooking.
d) By clicking the „Make payable booking“, the customer is bindingly offering the host a conclusion of a guest accommodation contract. Clicking this button, and after receipt of a booking confirmation by Mosellandtouristik therefore results in the booking confirmation by the host of Mosellandtouristik as broker within the binding period at the time of the conclusion of a payable guest accommodation contract. Sending the contractual offer by clicking the “Make payable reservation” button does not establish any entitlement on the part of the customer to the conclusion of a guest accommodation contract. The host is free to accept the traveler’s contractual offer (the booking) or not.
e) If the booking is not confirmed in real time (the booking confirmation is made immediately after the guest has made the booking by clicking on the button "book with obligation to pay" by displaying the booking confirmation on the screen), the host of Mosellandtouristik as the broker will immediately confirm the receipt of the booking by electronics means. However, this confirmation of receipt does not yet constitute a booking confirmation and does not constitute the conclusion of the guest accommodation contract according to the booking request of the customer.
f) The guest accommodation contract comes into existence with the receipt of the booking confirmation by the customer which the host or Mosellandtouristik as the broke will immediately send to the customer during the booking process, via the specified channel, by email Fax or by postal service.
2.7 If the content of booking confirmation differs from the booking, then the host will submit a new offer. The contract shall be concluded on the basis of the new offer, if the guest declares his acceptance by means of express declaration, down payment or full payment or declares use of the accommodation.
2.8 Travel agents and booking centres are not authorized to make arrangements, provide information or assurances which change the content of the contract, go beyond the con-tactually agreed services by the host or which are in contradiction to the accommodation and service description of the host.
2.9 Information in hotel guides and similar directories which are not published by Mosellandtouristik of the host, are not binding for the host and service obligation, provided that they have not been made content of the service obligation of the host by express agreement with the guest.