Alte Zunftscheune
Short facts
- Traben-Trarbach
- restaurant, Rollstuhlgerecht,…
- restaurant, Rollstuhlgerecht,…
- (0049) 6541 9737
“A feast for the eyes” this saying can be truly appreciated with us. While the stomach is feasting upon Mosel specialties, the eyes can feast without end.
The Cuisine is good home cooking, oriented to the seasons and brings fresh Mosel-Frankish dishes and specialties to the table.
Juicy steaks from the grill, small pan, a variety of fresh salads, vegetarian dishes, and many tasty treats to be served with wine.
“Hausmacher Wurst” is still homemade of course.
On the map
Neue Rathausstraße 15
56841 Traben-Trarbach
Phone: (0049) 6541 9737
Fax: (0049) 6541 8142808