Heiden Family Winery
Short facts
- Brauneberg
- own wine/farm products,…
- own wine/farm products,…
- (0049) 6534 377
Family Heiden lives on the Moselle for more than 300 years. In the surrounding of the towns Brauneberg and Lieser we cultivate on approximately 3,5 hectares grape varieties like riesling, gewürztraminer, gris- and white burgundy. The family leaded winery catches attention especially through their fruity riesling wines with mineralic acid. A real speciality is the harvesting of red traminers. Especially manuel harvesting is the reason for a unique taste experience besides okolgical harvesting of the vineyards.
Family Heiden lives on the Moselle for more than 300 years. In the surrounding of the towns Brauneberg and Lieser we cultivate on approximately 3,5 hectares grape varieties like riesling, gewürztraminer, gris- and white burgundy. The family leaded winery catches attention especially through their fruity riesling wines with mineralic acid. A real speciality is the harvesting of red traminers. Especially manuel harvesting is the reason for a unique taste experience besides okolgical harvesting of the vineyards.
On the map
In der Zehnt 12
54472 Brauneberg
Phone: (0049) 6534 377
Mobile: (0049)151 41201000
E-mail: weinkauf@weingut-heiden.de
Website: www.weingut-heiden.de