Weingut Peter Jostock
Short facts
- Leiwen
- wine testing/tasting/sales,…
- (0049) 6507 3762
Peter Jostock, trained winemaker, cellar and champagne master has won many successes and awards in the past few years. Together with his wife and parents, this passion is cultivated anew every day. Son Paul Jostock started his apprenticeship as a winemaker in 2018 and would like to continue the winemaking tradition and starts with full commitment and a lot of joy and new ideas. The house's strengths are fruity Rieslings with race and elegance, sparkling wines using the classic bottle fermentation method, full-bodied Burgundy, red and rose wines.
On the map
Römerstraße 20
54340 Leiwen
Phone: (0049) 6507 3762
Fax: (0049) 6507 802522
E-mail: pjostck@t-online.de
Website: www.weingut-jostock.de