Weingut Weller-Lehnert
Short facts
- Piesport
- winery/wine cellar, own…
- (0049) 6507 2498
The Weller-Lehnert winery is located in the Moselle town of Piesport.
The Weller-Lehnert winery is located in the Moselle town of Piesport. The family has been growing wine on the Moselle for eight generations, combining tradition and modernity in the cultivation of the grape varieties. We attach great importance to a natural cultivation of the vines.
On the map
St. Michaelstraße 29
54498 Piesport
Phone: (0049) 6507 2498
E-mail: info@weller-lehnert.de
Website: www.weller-lehnert.de
General information
Wine tastings are very welcome on request.
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