Winery Bernd Thomas
Short facts
- Traben-Trarbach
- winery/wine cellar, own…
- winery/wine cellar, own…
- (0049) 6541 5772
The winegrowing tradition of our winery can be traced back to 1617.
The winegrowing tradition of our winery can be traced back to 1617. True to the motto "small but mighty", we cultivate exclusively Riesling, the noblest of all grape varieties, on 6300 m². Our vineyards are located in the very best steep slopes of Traben, Würzgarten and Kräuterhaus. Enjoy a wine tasting in our centuries-old vaulted cellar.
On the map
Hofstraße 2
56841 Traben-Trarbach
Phone: (0049) 6541 5772
Fax: (0049) 6541 814050
General information
Wine sales and tastings on request.
Price info
Wine tasting: from 6 euros per person
up to max. 40 persons
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