Winery Martin Prüm
Short facts
- Brauneberg
- winery/wine cellar, wine…
- (0049) 6534 8324
The Martin Prüm winery is located on the Moselle in the holiday resort of Brauenberg. The vineyards are worked by hand. The steep slopes of the Moselle are too impassable.
The Martin Prüm winery is located on the Moselle in the holiday resort of Brauenberg. The vineyards are worked by hand. The steep slopes of the Moselle are too impassable. However, the mild climate speaks for the vineyards. Only here grow wines that develop a special lightness. In the guest rooms of the winery you can get to know the area and spend a holiday with the winegrower.
Wine tastings can take place in German or English on request. Gladly also with food or in the context of a barbecue evening, a vineyard hike or yoga.
On the map
Im Neudorf 5+7
54472 Brauneberg
Phone: (0049) 6534 8324
Fax: (0049) 6534 18278
General information