1.1 The provider and seller of the goods and services with whom the contract is entered into in the event of the conclusion of contract is:
Mosellandtouristik GmbH
Kordelweg 1 | 54470 Bernkastel-Kues
Telefon: +49 (0)6531 – 97 33 0 | Telefax: ++49 (0)6531 – 97 33 33 | eMail: info@visitmosel.de
Managing Director: Thomas Kalff
Umsatzsteuer-ID-Nr.: DE149944597
1.2 The provider/seller is abbreviated to “Mosellandtouristik” in the following.
1.3 These terms and conditions apply to all purchase and service contracts which are concluded with Mosellandtouristik on the website www.visitmosel.de . For the purposes of simplification, and unless otherwise stipulated, the following will refer to the “Pur-chase Contract”, “Goods” and “Seller”, even if the subject matter of the contract is a service. These terms and conditions do not apply to package travel contracts, guest accommodation contracts for lodging services, city and guest tours and other services provided by Mosellandtouristik on this website as a separate service or as a travel agent.
1.4 Admission tickets, vouchers and tickets for events of third party organizers (hereinafter uniformly referred to as "third party organizer tickets") are offered by Mosellandtouristik in the online store only in the name and for the account of the respective third party organizer and mediated for ordering. The respective third party organizer, who becomes the contractual partner of the customer with regard to the third party ticket, is named transparently in the respective offer of the third party ticket. In addition and subordinate to the general regulations of the order process in these terms and conditions, the brokerage terms and conditions of Mosellandtouristik, which can be viewed here, shall apply to the brokered third-party tickets, with the proviso that, within the scope of the order in the online store, an exclusively electronic order processing is agreed and the regulations on the brokerage of travel services are to be applied accordingly to third-party tickets.
These Terms and Conditions are displayed to the Customer during the online order process and can be printed out by the Customer and stored in a reproducible form using the button specified in the booking process.
1.5 A “consumer” within the meaning of these terms and conditions is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for a purpose that cannot be attributed to their commercial or independent professional activity. An “entrepreneur” is a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity who, when entering into a legal transaction, is acting within the scope of their commercial or independent professional activity. A legal partnership is a partnership that has the ability to acquire rights and liabilities.
1.6 In the case of contracts with entrepreneurs, these terms and conditions will also apply as contractual content for fol-low-up transactions with no further express agreement or notice.
1.7 Terms and conditions of companies as Customers, in particular purchase conditions, are not valid, even if the Custom-er refers to these and/or Mosellandtouristik is aware of them, whereby Mosellandtouristik is not required to object to the applicability of these terms and conditions in general or in individual cases.
The sole available contract language is German.